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Frequently asked questions

1. Is it necessary for a person coming to Flowpark to have climbing experience?

It is not necessary. You’ll learn easily how to use the equipment. The staff instructs all the customers on how to use the climbing equipment before entering the courses. In addition to this, before one is allowed to enter the other climbing courses, every customer must prove on the test course that he or she knows how to use the equipment. Flowstaff also circles the park and you may always ask for tips on passing the courses.

2. Is it safe to climb on the courses?

There are risks connected to all climbing, as well as to sports in general. Nevertheless, by means of proper safety systems and proper actions, these risks can be limited to the minimum. The European Standards SFS-EN 15567-1 and SFS-EN 15567-2 define the norms for the construction, safety and operating requirements of rope courses and their requirements are adhered to in the building and operating of the Flowpark courses. The condition of the courses is inspected by means of regular routines. As climbing equipment, we use the brand products supplied by well-known climbing equipment manufacturers, and they are inspected every time after they have been used. And in addition to this, when the customer follows the safety rules and given instructions, it is safe to climb on the courses.

3. Are there any age, height or weight restrictions?

Floparking suits to almost everyone. Adventure courses have been classified according to four difficulty levels by means of colour. For the easy, green and blue, courses the minimum height requirement is 120 cm. For the more difficult, red and black, courses the minimum height requirement is 150 cm. You can see the courses in services and map of the park page.

Depending on the park there might be one or more low courses, where children 120 cm may also experience the atmosphere of flowparking under the supervision of an adult. Participants wear the same equipment on the low trail and act in a way similar to that in other adventure courses. The only difference is the fact that the low course goes on the height of only half a meter, which means that parents are able to follow little flowparkers’ monkeying right by them.

Apart from the low courses in case of under 10-year-old children, an adult will have to accompany them on the courses. In case of under 14-year-old children, an adult will have to supervise the adventure either on the course or from the ground.
From the age of 14 years onwards, one may adventure on the courses independently.

There is no weight restriction with a few exceptions. For example, the weight limit for the free fall device is 20–130 kg. All the exceptions are marked on the course signs.

4. What kind of permit do minors need from their guardians to participate in the adventure?

For safety reasons we require all minors to have a guardian’s permit for the adventure. In practice, this means that the guardian has become familiar with the safety instructions of the park and undersigned them. From the age of 14 years juveniles may come independently to the park; they, however, need to have with the safety instructions undersigned by their guardians.

5. If only a part of the family wishes to go climbing, what can the others do?

There is a free entrance to the park. You don’t have to pay until you enter the climbing courses, because you have to rent the climbing equipment for this purpose. Family members can move on the ground in the park area for instance ‘immortalizing’ the adventures of the family members climbing high above on photographs or on video. There certainly is a need for encouraging and spurring, which means that it won’t be boring on the ground, either!

6. Is it possible to use one’s own climbing equipment in the park?

It is not. Flowpark is responsible for the fact that the equipment used on the park courses fulfil the safety requirements, and for this reason, we cannot approve any other equipment than the ones provided by the park, which go through the regular quality control of Flowpark.

7. What is a suitable gear to wear?

Suitable clothing depends on the weather. It is possible to climb on the adventure courses on hot summer days and when it is freezing cold, in dry conditions and in rain. We recommend you to wear outdoor clothing suitable for the weather and outdoor leisure shoes or sports shoes with flat outsoles. We recommend you to wear gloves in your hands. You can also buy them at an inexpensive price in the park when you buy the entrance ticket. Don’t wear any loosely hanging pieces of clothing that may get caught in the trail structures (e.g. a scarf) or high heel shoes. A long hair should also be tied.

No special gear is needed. There is not a very high risk of your clothing getting soiled at any stage; however, for the reason that the courses have been built on living trees, it is possible that your clothing gets some traces off the trees or trail structures, which means that you should not wear any particularly sensitive pieces of clothing or ones difficult to clean.

8. Is there a storage facility for personal items?

Depending on the park there are either locked or unlocked storage facility where you can leave your personal belongings while climbing. You will find more specific info about storage facilities from parks map and services. Please note that all storage is at your own risk.

9. What happens if you lack the courage or strength to go on along the courses?

If a climber becomes exhausted or loses his or her confidence in the middle of the trail, he or she remains hanging on the safety harness by the safety cable wire. In most courses, you can drag yourself to the next platform even when hanging by the harness and from there you can move forward. If a person is not able to move, he or she may call the staff to the place by shouting, when an instructor comes to lower the person safely onto the ground using a ladder rope.

10. How long time should one reserve for flowparking?

The time spent in the park depends on how many courses you wish to complete and on the fact how fast you can complete the courses. Usually, climbing takes from 2 to 3 hours, and this time is enough to go through most of the courses. Even though your aim was only to get some feel of the climbing and to test only a few courses, you should reserve at least one hour for this. Some of our customers have spent even a whole day in the park. After a full day’s outing, you certainly feel that you have done some exercise.

11. Is it allowed to bring one’s own lunch to the park?

Yes it is. You can have your own lunch at the rest areas in the park and follow at the same time the hustle and bustle you see and hear above you. You can buy more little snacks and drinks at Flowcafé. Alcoholic beverages, however, do not belong to the park, even though your intention was not to climb at all. Please don’t forget to put the packages of the lunch you brought to the park and other waste into the garbage bins. Do not leave any waste in the park.

12. Can one spend his or her stag party in Flowpark?

Yes, as long as everyone who comes climbing is completely sober. It is not allowed to enter the climbing courses under the influence of alcohol. It is not either possible to drink alcohol in the park area, even though you had no intention of climbing. You should leave the ‘wetter’ stages of the party until you have completed your visit to Flowpark.

13. Does the weather prevent you from flowparking?

The only time the weather might prevent you from flowparking is during a thunderstorm or during storm winds. Our staff informs the customers and helps them down from the courses if needed. Customers are informed when it is safe to continue flowparking. Rain does not prevent you from flowparking.

14. Do I get my money back if I need to leave the courses because of the weather?

Unfortunately no. Our staff asks the customers to leave the courses if needed and gives them permission to continue when the thunderstorm has passed.

15. Do i need to book a visit to Flowpark beforehand?

Booking is not needed. With the exception of large groups and adventures outside the opening hours, then you should first contact the park you are going to visit.